The Department of Energy’s Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations has selected 17 community-driven energy projects over 20 states and 30 tribal nations and communities. As part of the Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas program, The Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation will begin negotiations for a project that will bring solar and micro-hydropower to the area. The project aims to convert inefficient, open-water irrigation canals into a solar and micro-hydropower irrigation system. As part of its Community Benefits Plan, the project team plans to train and hire local tribal members- with at least 10 full-time positions.
Other projects include:
- Alaskan Tribal Energy Sovereignty
- Chignik Hydroelectric Dam and Water Source Project
- Energizing Rural Hopi and Navajo with SOlar Powered Battery-Based Systems
- Resilience and Prosperity in Rural Northern Wisconsin
Read more here: Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas Selections for Award Negotiations | Department of Energy