Employers by State
Below are energy industry employers in our five partner states. See also our Job Opportunities news blog and Careers for a list of energy careers websites, which also post job openings.
Employer | Company Type | Website |
Avista | Private | https://www.myavista.com/ |
Bureau of Indian Affairs | Federal Entity | https://www.bia.gov/ |
Bureau of Reclamation | Federal Entity | https://www.usbr.gov/ |
City of Bonners Ferry | Municipal | https://bonnersferry.id.gov/ |
City of Burley | Municipal | https://burleyidaho.org/159/Electric-Department |
City of Heyburn | Municipal | https://heyburn.id.gov/ |
City of Rupert | Municipal | https://www.rupert-idaho.com/ |
City of Soda Springs | Municipal | https://sodaspringsid.com/ |
City of Weiser | Municipal | https://cityofweiser.net/ |
Clearwater Power Company | Cooperative | https://www.clearwaterpower.com/ |
Enel North America Inc. (offers remote work) | Private | https://www.enelgreenpower.com/ |
Fall River Rural Electric | Cooperative | https://www.fallriverelectric.com/ |
Idaho County Light & Power | Cooperative | https://www.iclp.coop/ |
Idaho Falls Power | Municipal | https://www.ifpower.org/ |
Idaho Power | Private | https://www.idahopower.com/ |
Inland Power & Light Co. | Cooperative | https://www.inlandpower.com/ |
Innergex | Private | https://www.innergex.com/ |
Kootenai Electric Cooperative Inc. | Cooperative | https://www.kec.com/ |
Lower Valley Energy | Cooperative | https://www.lvenergy.com/ |
Missoula Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://missoulaelectric.com/ |
Northern Lights, Inc. | Cooperative | https://www.nli.coop/ |
Raft River Rural Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://www.rrelectric.com/ |
Rocky Mountain Power | Private | https://www.rockymountainpower.net/ |
Salmon River Electric Cooperative (see Indeed) | Cooperative | http://www.srec.org/ |
United Electric Co-op, Inc. | Cooperative | https://uec.coop/ |
United States Army Corps of Engineers | Federal Entity | https://www.usace.army.mil/ |
Employer | Company Type | Website |
Beartooth Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://www.beartoothelectric.com/ |
Big Flat Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://www.bigflatelectric.com/ |
Big Horn Electric Cooperative, Inc. | Cooperative | https://www.bhcec.com/ |
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) | Wholesale | https://www.bpa.gov/ |
Bureau of Indian Affairs | Federal Entity | https://www.bia.gov/ |
Bureau of Reclamation | Federal Entity | https://www.usbr.gov/ |
Central Montana Electric Power Cooperative | Cooperative | https://www.cmepc.org/ |
Fall River Rural Electric | Cooperative | https://www.fallriverelectric.com/ |
Fergus Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://www.ferguselectric.coop/ |
Flathead Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://www.flatheadelectric.com/ |
Glacier Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://www.glacierelectric.com/ |
Hill County Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://www.hcelectric.com/ |
Lincoln Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://www.lincolnelectric.coop/ |
Lower Yellowstone REA | Cooperative | https://www.lyrec.com/ |
Marias River Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://www.mariasriverec.com/ |
McCone Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://www.mcconeelectric.coop/ |
Mid-Yellowstone Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://www.myec.coop/ |
Missoula Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://missoulaelectric.com/ |
Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. | Private | https://www.montana-dakota.com/ |
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association | Cooperative | https://www.electric.coop/ |
Next Era Energy Resources | Private | https://www.nexteraenergyresources.com/home.html |
NorthWestern Energy | Private | https://www.northwesternenergy.com/ |
NorVal Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://www.norval.coop/ |
Park Electric Cooperative Inc. | Cooperative | https://www.parkelectric.coop/ |
Ravalli County Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://www.ravallielectric.com/ |
Sheridan Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://www.sheridanelectric.coop/ |
Southeastern Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://southeasternelectric.com/ |
Sun River Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://www.sunriverelectric.coop/ |
Tongue River Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://www.tongueriverelectric.com/ |
United States Army Corps of Engineers | Federal Entity | https://www.usace.army.mil/ |
Vigilante Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://www.vec.coop/ |
Yellowstone Valley Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://www.yvec.com/ |
Employer | Company Type | Website |
Avista | Private | https://www.myavista.com/ |
Blachly-Lane Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://www.blachlylane.coop/ |
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) | Wholesale | https://www.bpa.gov/ |
Bureau of Indian Affairs | Federal Entity | https://www.bia.gov/ |
Bureau of Reclamation | Federal Entity | https://www.usbr.gov/ |
Calpine Corp. | Private | https://www.calpine.com/ |
Canby Utility | Cooperative | https://www.canbyutility.org/ |
Central Electric Cooperative, Inc. | Cooperative | https://www.cec.coop/ |
Central Lincoln PUD | PUD | https://clpud.org/ |
Central Oregon Irrigation District | Municipal | https://www.coid.org/ |
CenTrio Energy (see Indeed) | Private | https://www.centrioenergy.com/ |
City of Ashland | Municipal | https://www.ashland.or.us/ |
City of Bandon | Municipal | https://www.cityofbandon.org/electric |
City of Cascade Locks | Municipal | https://www.cascade-locks.or.us/ |
City of Drain | Municipal | https://www.cityofdrain.org/ |
City of Forest Grove Light & Power | Municipal | https://www.forestgrove-or.gov/lp |
City of Monmouth | Municipal | https://www.ci.monmouth.or.us/ |
Clatskanie PUD | PUD | https://www.clatskaniepud.com/ |
Columbia River PUD | PUD | https://www.crpud.net/ |
Consumers Power | Cooperative | https://www.cpi.coop/ |
Coos-Curry Electric Cooperative Inc. | Cooperative | https://www.ccec.coop/ |
Covanta Energy | Private Electric | https://www.covanta.com/ |
Douglas Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://www.dec.coop/ |
Emerald PUD | PUD | https://www.epud.org/ |
Eugene Water & Electric Board | Municipal | https://www.eweb.org/ |
Eurus Energy America | Private | https://eurusenergy.com/ |
Farmers Irrigation District | Municipal | http://www.fidhr.org/index.php/en/about-us/hydroelectric |
Harney Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://hec.coop/ |
Hermiston Energy Services | Municipal | https://www.hermiston.or.us/energy |
Hood River Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://hoodriver.coop/ |
Idaho Power | Private | https://www.idahopower.com/ |
Lane Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://laneelectric.com/ |
McMinnville Water & Light | Municipal | https://www.mc-power.com/ |
Midstate Electric Cooperative Inc. | Cooperative | https://www.midstateelectric.coop/ |
Milton-Freewater City Light & Power | Municipal | https://www.mfcity.com/ |
Next Era Energy Resources | Private | https://www.nexteraenergyresources.com/home.html |
Northern Wasco PUD | PUD | https://www.nwascopud.org/ |
Oregon Trail Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://otec.coop/ |
PacifiCorp | Private | https://www.pacificorp.com/ |
Portland General Electric (PGE) | Private | https://portlandgeneral.com/ |
Salem Electric | Cooperative | https://www.salemelectric.com/ |
Springfield Utility Board | Municipal | https://www.subutil.com/ |
Surprise Valley Electrification Corporation | Cooperative | https://www.surprisevalleyelectric.org/ |
Tillamook PUD | PUD | https://www.tpud.org/ |
Umatilla Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://www.umatillaelectric.com/ |
Umpqua Indian Utility Co-op | Cooperative | https://www.umpquaindianutility.com/ |
United States Army Corps of Engineers | Federal Entity | https://www.usace.army.mil/ |
Warm Springs Power & Water Enterprises | Tribal Government | https://warmsprings-nsn.gov/program/warm-springs-power-water-enterprises/ |
Wasco Electric Cooperative | Cooperative | https://www.wascoelectric.com/ |
West Oregon Electric Cooperative Inc. | Cooperative | https://www.westoregon.org/ |