More communities are charting their path to a more resilient energy future through the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Transitions Initiative Partnership Project (ETIPP). Bainbridge Island, Washington and Makah Tribe, Neah Bay, Washington are among the 12 communities chosen for the project, announced this week.
DOE announced this week it will work with 12 competitively selected remote and island communities around the United States to help strengthen their energy infrastructure, reduce the risk of outages, and improve their future energy and economic outlook. Through the Energy Transitions Initiative Partnership Project (ETIPP), DOE and its national and regional partners will support projects in communities that, due to their geographic isolation, often face high energy costs and vulnerable energy infrastructure due to their increased risk of natural disasters and climate change.
ETIPP will leverage the world-class expertise of DOE’s experts and National Labs to advance local clean energy solutions and improve resilience for the 12 selected communities which, like other remote and island areas, often lack the financial resources and the access to experts to plan a clean energy transition.
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