The 2nd Annual STEM Summit: “Integrating STEM in Today’s Classroom to Develop Tomorrow’s Leaders” has opened registration for educators. The two-day event is free and will be held February 9 & 10 at Bellevue College, N-Building, N201.
Sponsored by the Centers of Excellence for Information Technology, Careers in Education, Aerospace and Advanced Manufacturing, and Clean Energy, the summit will introduce attendees to K-20 best practices in education focusing on innovative teaching and learning in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). Attendees will be examining curriculum for incorporation of best practices in STEM teaching and learning. The free event includes lunch, snacks, materials, fun giveaways and the following:
* Education colleagues will be sharing their strategies for incorporating STEM in the classroom
* Day one: Industry focus. Professionals from aerospace and advanced manufacturing, education, energy, and information and computing technology will highlight emerging technology and workforce trends.
* Day two: Education focus. Learn about the newly formed Energy Educators Association
* Click here and scroll for an event agenda
The STEM Summit keynote is Dr. Bradley Layton, Assistant Professor/Director of Energy Technology at The University of Montana College of Technology. His presentation will focus on “Energy Technology Education in Efficiency To Engender Energy Independence: Science and Math Lay the Foundation for the Next Generation of Energy Technology Leaders.”
Link to register: click here. Be sure to select “energy” as the Center of Excellence which invited you.