HYDROVISION International has been postponed to July 27-29, 2021, in Spokane, Wash.
“With the Columbia and Snake Rivers generating 40% of all U.S. hydropower and close to 80% of the electricity in the Northwest being produced by hydropower each year, we felt it ideal for our customers to keep HYDROVISION International in the Pacific Northwest for 2021,” said Leah Steinhardt, hydro portfolio director of Clarion Energy. “Based on conversations we have had with our audience, there was overwhelming support to move the event to Spokane, Washington, even if that means pushing it to July.”
HYDROVISION International is the largest gathering of hydro professionals worldwide, which highlights perspectives on the role of hydropower, explores issues affecting hydro resources, and helps participants develop a vision to meet challenges and ensure the future sustainability of hydro.
Get event information at HYDROVISION International.
Read more: renewableenergyworld.com