The Clean Energy Center of Excellence has received advance notice of apprenticeships opening in January 2022.
Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) will be hiring up to 30 apprentices: 10 linemen apprentices, 10 electrician apprentices, and 10 operator/substation apprentices.
BPA is extremely interested in hiring energy and pre-electrical engineering students. Students who are enlisted in the military or are a veteran earn extra points on their application.
These Level 2 Apprenticeships will target applicants with college-level skills, students who want to learn, can manipulate formulas, are problem solvers, and understand energy basics.
Job locations for the apprenticeships are spread throughout the BPA service territory.
The window to apply for these apprenticeships is small: January 14 and January 23, 2022.
BPA opens apprenticeship opportunities once every year, in June/July, and for the coming year in January 2022.
The positions will be announced after the new year, and will be posted at and USAJobs.Gov.
Find out more about the positions at