All events are held at the Regional Education and Training Center, Satsop Campus, in Elma, WA
*** Pre-Summit — Educators Institute, June 19 ***
8:30 – 9 am: check in/continental breakfast
9 – 9:15 am: Welcome – Barbara Hins-Turner, Executive Director, Pacific Northwest Center of Excellence for Clean Energy, and Shana Peschek, Director, Construction Center of Excellence
9:15 – noon: Smart Grid Train the Trainer: This session, developed and taught by world-class faculty – Dr. Robert Topping, System Design Consultant; Dr. Kevin Schneider, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; and Jeff Hammarlund, PSU Public Policy Expert – will introduce NEW open source programs and classroom materials. Educators and industry trainers will learn how implement competency based programs and learning outcomes; as well as how to use Train the Trainer materials, new online courseware using the National Training & Education Resource (NTER), smart grid tools and PNCECE’s website to enhance existing programs. Each participant will also receive a free smart grid toolbox filled with educational materials to use in the classroom. The new open source curriculum and smart grid toolbox were funded by the U.S. Dept. of Energy Smart Grid Workforce Development Grant.
Noon – 12:30 pm: Lunch
Bring walking shoes, the afternoon involves an outdoor walk/tour.
12:30 – 3 pm: Technology Transfer through Washington State Centers of Excellence: Centers of Excellence for Construction, Global Trade & Supply Chain Management and Marine Manufacturing and Technology present emerging trends and innovations for educators. Participants will break into groups and will rotate through each of the three workshops below.
Construction Center of Excellence presents: Tour the Tunnel Boring Machine – the only hands-on training of its kind in North America. Northwest Laborers-Employers Training Trust Fund will use the TBM for a new class on bored tunnels that is expected to kick off this fall, adding the training to its SHAFT (Safety Hazard Awareness for Tunnels) program.
Center of Excellence for Global Trade & Supply Chain Management presents “How Does Your Rain Garden Grow?”
Totem Ocean Trailer Express (TOTE) has been recognized as a company on the forefront of environmental policy, programs and employee participation. Their achievements and industry leadership are a source of pride and motivation for the entire company. Rand Lymangrover will present industry trends of the following projects:
• Industrial Rain Gardens – including plans and materials needed to build rain gardens at schools
• Ship Shore Power Plug In – shore power is becoming more prevalent at seaports and within marine electrical, terminal operations and shipper programs
• HVAC Conversion; Yard Lighting Upgrade; Recycling Program
Center of Excellence for Marine Manufacturing and Technology presents “Recycling and Lifecycle Management of Composite Materials.” This Center of Excellence in partnering with Peninsula College and the University of Alabama at Birmingham to develop and deliver a three credit-hour course that can be replicated statewide. Industry partners, Ashland Chemical and Janicki Industries, have provided critical project support for the pilot, which includes these objectives:
• Introduce students to the lifecycle, challenges and methods of recycling composite material
• Review current research addressing composite material recycling
• Facilitate student projects aimed at development of new parts from recycled composite material
3 – 3:15 pm: break
3:15 – 5 pm: Energy Educators Association presents: Training Programs: 400 ppm – What’s next? Many scientists agree that our “safe” level of carbon is 350 parts per million (ppm). We just crossed the 400 ppm threshold. Facilitated by NSF Grant Education Subcommittee (Grant no. 1002931): Tom Barr, Chair, Randy Sibley, Alison Pugh (all Edmonds Community College), and Gail Alexander (Cascadia Community College)
*** Summit, Signature Crab Feed & Scholarship Auction, June 20 ***
8:30 – 9 am: Check-in, vendor booths open, continental breakfast (upstairs)
9 – 9:30 am: Opening Ceremony and Welcome – Dr. James Walton, President, Centralia College; Barbara Hins-Turner, Executive Director, PNCECE; and Shana Peschek, Director, Construction Center of Excellence
9:30 – 10:15 am: Keynote: Karen Elzey, Director for Skills for America’s Future, The Aspen InstituteIn an increasingly competitive global economy, America’s economic strength depends on the education and skills of its workers. Skills for America’s Future, an employer-led initiative of The Aspen Institute, was created to foster partnerships between employers and community colleges to address America’s pressing jobs issue
10:15 – 10:45 am: Networking/coffee break – please visit our vendors upstairs
10:45 am – noon: Regional/National Workforce Panel
The world of workforce development is changing. Innovations in new technologies, a new world view about a cleaner environment and shifting demographics are reshaping the workforce. As a result, organizations across the region and nation are responding by developing and implementing strategic energy and construction best practices models. Learn from the experts within regional and national organizations how they are approaching these challenges.
Facilitator: Jim Crabbe, Workforce Director, Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
• Barbara Byrd, Secretary-Treasurer, Oregon AFL-CIO
• Leise Rosman, Vice President, Research & Development, Corporation for a Skilled Workforce
• Steve Gelb, Director, Emerald Cities/Seattle
• Pat McCarty, Generation Manager, Tacoma Power; National Hydro Association; PNCECE Advisory Board Chair
Noon – 1:30 pm: Lunch and Sponsor Recognition
1:30 – 2:45 pm: U.S. Department of Energy Smart Grid Grant Project Debrief
A panel consisting of all committee and taskforce board chairs will present a wrap-up of the three-year, $5-million grant.
Facilitator: Diane Quincy, Director of Leadership and Organization, Avista
• Troy Nutter, Smart Grid Governance Board Chair; Manager, Operation Training, PSE
• Ryan Fedie, Smart Grid Education Taskforce Chair; Engineering Service Manager, Energy Efficiency, BPA
• David Sorensen, Smart Grid Manufacturing Taskforce Chair; Executive Director, WestCAMP, Inc
• Jay Pickett, Curriculum Development Subcommittee Co-Chair; Senior Power Plant Operator, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
• Dr. Bob Topping, Curriculum Development Subcommittee Co-Chair; Director for Strategic Partnerships, RETC
2:45 – 3:15 pm: Networking/Coffee Break
3:15 – 4:30 pm: Breakout sessions
Workforce Challenges of Electric Sector Employers in the Pacific Northwest 2013
Retirements, skills gaps and new technology: these are all issues that Washington and Oregon employers cited as workforce challenges in the initial Labor Market Study in 2008. A 2013 update of this Labor Market Study is now underway and it includes data from utility employers in five states across the region. A presentation of some of the early findings from the 2013 study will kick-off this lively discussion among energy employers.
Facilitator: Alan Hardcastle, PhD, Senior Research Associate, Washington State University Energy Program
Panelists: Heather Burns, NorthWestern Energy; Maureen Fallt, Portland General Electric; Angelique Keavney, Idaho Power Company; and Heather Rosentrater, Avista
Construction Workforce Innovations: Best practices and workforce models in entrepreneurship, collective impact, and veteran initiatives.
Facilitator: Shana Peschek, Director, Construction Center of Excellence
Panelists: Aaron Adelstein, Build Green; Nancy Mason, SustainableWorks; Amy Moorash, Joint Base Lewis-McChord; and Janet Stephenson, Innovate Washington
4:30 – 5 pm: Conference Adjourned
5 – 5:30 pm: Networking
5:30 – 6 pm: Student Success Stories & Industry Scholarship Support
6 – 8 pm: Signature Crab Feed and Scholarship Auction–
Live and silent auction supports community and technical college students throughout Washington. Auctioneer: Larry Kite, BPA